Patricia Brickell


Patricia has lived, taught and painted for 60 years in New Zealand and abroad. She received her first commission at age 15 to paint a bar scene for the Jolly Farmer Hotel, Drury, New Zealand. Patricia has painted privately and on contract throughout her life in her homeland of New Zealand and around the world. Her paintings are held in private homes in England, America, Australia and New Zealand.

Whilst living in America, Patricia created Sound Painting; living, moving works of art set to classical music and her own creative poetry. She presented these works on Community Access TV and Scan TV Puget Sounds. She then entered a new realm, that of radio where she hosted a program playing the sounds and words of her own poetry on Radio KSER 90.7 FM, Everet, Seattle.

In the years Patricia lived in Australia, with it’s overwhelming beauty she found she could not stop painting, particularly exploring 

the vibrant colours of the outback, the heat, trees and land forms. You will find many examples of these in her current exhibitions.

Patricia has now returned to the land of her birth to continue her artists journey.


So watch this space.